Original Species Ltd

Wild-Card New Zealand craft gift cards showcasing a rich profile of Aotearoa’s unique, globally rare birds. Some of these birds are endangered. Each gift card has a stunning photograph on the front. When opening the card you will hear the bird's joyful song - these are the songs of our homeland. Written inside is a short description of the bird's natural behaviour in the wild.

These unique native bird cards are more than just a card - they are a gift which can be kept as a keepsake or a collector's item. It is a gift card that provides you with a genuine souvenir of New Zealand's native bird life.


+64 22 6847851

Registered Products
Product Licence ID Brand Product
118539 Wild-Card Greetings Cards Bellbird
118541 Wild-Card Greetings Card Fantail
118542 Wild-Card Greetings Card Grey Warbler
118545 Wild-Card Greetings Card Kakapo
118543 Wild-Card Greetings Card Kereru
118540 Wild-Card Greetings Cards Kokako
118536 Wild-Card Greetings Cards Little Spotted Kiwi
118544 Wild-Card Greetings Card Pukeko
118538 Wild-Card Greetings Cards Saddleback
118537 Wild-Card Greetings Cards Tui


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